IP Business Clinic

The IP-Business clinics offer business decision-makers and IP professionals a platform to discuss IP-related matters and seek advice. The clinics emphasize the significance of efficient IP strategy and management in leveraging intellectual assets for business growth.

The clinics consist of 30-minute one-on-one meetings with IP and business experts, such as:

  1. IP strategy and business advisers from both private and public sectors- licensing and technology transfer professionals, investors, and scale-up experts;
  2. Experienced legal professionals in IP transactions;
  3. Patent and trademark attorneys, including patent examiners.

Participants can connect with a mentor based on their interests in specific expertise, industry branch, and geographic location (jurisdiction). A first-come, first-served system allows them to discuss any questions and topics they have.

While mentors do not offer legal advice, they provide guidance with:

  • defining the scope and identifying bottlenecks
  • operational matters
  • a solution-driven approach
  • any clarifying questions.

Areas of expertise:

  1. IP-focused business strategies (IP strategy and IP management, including open innovation, collaboration, licensing, M&A, etc.)
  2. IP protection (patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, etc.)
  3. Legal (freedom-to-operate, contracts, dispute resolution, enforcement and litigation, etc.)
  4. IP-based financing (IP assessment and valuation, start-up financing, growth financing, IP budgeting, etc.)

To register as a mentee, please click here: https://mentoring.cip-net.com/ip-business-clinic/mentees/application

If you would like to become a mentor, please contact Bowman Heiden (bowman.heiden@cip-net.com)

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